Title cARDS
tHESE TITLE CARDS WERE CREAted for a teaser trailer for a uni project.
the theme was for a futuristic cyberpunk dystopian.
So I used the colour palette for the project for the graphics.
So from the references I had, I noticed glitching effects and displacement were very common.
This is why I layered the same text and images over each other in different colours, so then I used several masks to reveal the text behind to create that displacement effect.
Then I added 2 glows one that was the base then the other to create those lines with a mask of thin rectangles.
Here is some graphic design I did creating some icons for a website.
Each represents the different services that they provide.
They also match the colours in their logo with different colour variants to match other colours in their logo.
From A to B pOSTER
This was a poster I created for a uni project to be used as a thumbnail.
So I used one of the key images/features from the project as the focus point, then used a font that would match the tone and style. The font suits that futuristic and modern aesthetic along with those sharp flat edges that the robot also has that help tie it in.

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